ALERT! Fantasy, A Destructive Power

September 12, 2010

Whatever topic that comes through during the Gospel call is so apropos to what is currently going on in my unconscious. It uncovers parts of me that I want to hide. This past week, uncovered, I was indulging in something that ultimately had the potential to destroy everything that I had created on this path. It honestly scared the shit out of me…that I was indulging in this fantasy world. It wasn’t even a fantasy with all the goods, I knew that it was a fantasy that would never even come close to where I am at now in life. It was a 10 million steps back fantasy. What the fuck! I was able to come clean and bring it to the surface and get support around this because of this call. I am so grateful to have been stopped in my tracks down the delusional and destructive path — to not waste my energy and power in the world of fantasy and illusion. Fantasy is a check out mechanism that will destroy my right to life. I am so thankful to have this come up and to recognize this dark power, hold it and turn it around with ultimate success in claiming, “I think I have a fantasy in this area. I think I’m believing in and investing in something that is sabotaging my growth and power. I need help and support!” With this alert…I am super heightened to my destructive fantasy ways.

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