Jump for your life

September 17, 2010

I love the image of jumping onto the lifeboat from a sinking ship.  It really makes me feel like I’ve done just that by being part of this work. I feel ahead of the societal pack. That society out there doesn’t even know that their ship is sinking! I feel so fortunate to have just saved my life in order to help save others. This sounds so Christ like and I almost want to delete  this prior sentence but I’m not going to because during the call Greg said, “People need to become the Divine solution.” And for me to claim that I have the capability to save myself via the Divine and thus offer it to others who are willing…then why in the world would I erase that sentence?! In some way it would erase my power to help be the solution in transitioning from this old world, the sinking ship, into the new world, the lifeboat that saves your life!! So, in this space…I claim responsibility for my life…to go through all that I need to go through: all the crap, garbage, nonsense, pain, illusion and discomfort in order to show others that they can do it too. And on the other side of the ocean, far from the sinking ship, we find freedom from the pain we had to bear.

One Response to “Jump for your life”

  1. shelly said

    wow! beautiful…love this post!

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