Most of my inner work in The Process has been about letting go of Fantasy and embracing my Destiny.  The most significant Fantasy that has emerged over and over and over again has been the idea of the Sacred Union or “Beloved” relationship with a man, that I have imagined all of my life.  Of course because Fantasy is not real, it has NEVER been realized in my life in the way imagined.  This has been a significant area of suffering and pain because it has seemed possible, yet so far away.  My practice has therefore been to let go of this Fantasy and all associated Intentions, Dreams and Goals attached to this area of life and get to 0% attachment.  Not an easy thing to do with Fantasies!  However the more I let go, the more I realize the types of real relationships that I can have with men that are not based upon conditioned beliefs I received from society or my parents, but ones that are aligned with my Soul’s yearning for depth, connection, creation and growth.  Even though it is a challenging path to stick with this level of let go, I see the results and magic continuously unfolding along the way that tell me, YES you are on the Right Track and keep going!!

This idea goes against the ideas I’ve believed about Community, where it appears everyone takes on group similarities, language, mannerisms and patterns.   What I have discovered through “The Process” Community however, is that when Community is formed Consciously, where unconscious patterns and behaviors can’t survive, then each Individual rises to the top in their own unique authentic expression while remaining connected and supported by the Community.  Through the fortune of being a member of “The Process” Community, I have come to experience high levels of accountability to be the best Individual I can be, not a copied replication others in the Community.  These are tough love standards, but thank God for them!  If it were up to me and living in an isolated, individual existence I wouldn’t be getting very far in my life and that would be a shame.  I feel like my life is progressing, I am finding my true nature, my true gifts and my true service on this planet and it feels incredible!

Purposeful Partnerships

July 16, 2010

Through “The Process” I have come to know the higher nature of relationships.  In this new world that is being ushered upon the planet, it is important that relationships serve a purpose for coming together and serve a higher nature of partnership.  In my own life, I have needed to orient my intentions to be focused on Partnerships that have Purpose in order for them to present themselves in meaningful ways.  Once I hold this intention, they show up and then the work begins to find the clues of Destiny as to what the Higher Purpose is that wants to unfold.  I find it to be like putting together a puzzle, and this puts me in the position of moving into a Higher level of Conscious Awareness.  With this awareness I can move fluidly with what wants to be instead of only what I want it to be.  I find this way of orienting myself, my intentions and my actions brings magic, creation, adventure and deep fulfillment!  And without it I feel separate, disconnected, lost and confused.

Attuning to the Radio Station – Greg has an analogy, actually lots of them, but one in particular that stands out for me today as I look outside at the beauty that surrounds me.  That is using our Intuition is like tuning into a Radio Station.  First you have to find a station with a clear signal and then something inspiring you want to listen to.  A year and a half ago I was searching for that radio station signal after I had let go of my entire life in the Bay Area.  Through engaging with The Process, I began to hear that signal and the Inspiring Song was “Boulder, Colorado”.  Every morning I would awake with energy and inspiration every time I thought of Boulder and more and more clues or synchronicities would be presented to me.  Because I have been trained in the Art of Listening to the Station and Taking Action, I took the Risk and moved to Boulder.  Now my backyard essentially looks like this picture, with incredible beauty and majesty abound and feeds my soul each and every day!