what is the process

The Process is a spiritually-based technology that leverages the immense and powerful resources of eternal cosmic principle to precipitate radical transformation in both individuals and systems by erradicating destructive behavioral patterns at their most fundamental level. Participants work with a trained facilitator who has undergone The Process to a significant degree and is therefore empowered to transmist the same potent transformational experience to others.

The overall objective of The Process is to dislodge, dissolve and clear away unconscious patterns that keep us from enjoying our birthright of limitless success and abundance in this lifetime.

who does the process

People who find their way to The Process are often at a point in their lives where traditional modalities of healing, self-growth, and personal improvement are not getting them the results they desire. They are people with an abiding certainty that there’s so much more to experience in this life, yet they often find themselves confused about what that something more is and how to get there.

The Process is for determined individuals that want to take their experience in life to its most powerful expression. It’s for people who possess a deep conviction that they are here to accomplish a very important job, who want to experience untold success and abundance, and who are ready to receive the professional-level guidance and mastery that will get them there.

how does it work

The Process derives its effectiveness by utilizing a proprietary spiritual technology that accesses highly-targeted, precision information sourced at the level of Divine Intelligence.

Facilitators who employ The Process have reached a level of expertise in their own journey that allows them to intuitively ‘tap’ this wellspring of omniscience and chart a detailed Mind Map for participants, thereby exposing hidden recesses of unconscious mind and destructive patterning. When these undesirable belief systems are identified, the associated compulsive behavioral patterns are brought into conscious awareness and shrivel in the light of wakefulness.