Purposeful Partnerships

July 16, 2010

Through “The Process” I have come to know the higher nature of relationships.  In this new world that is being ushered upon the planet, it is important that relationships serve a purpose for coming together and serve a higher nature of partnership.  In my own life, I have needed to orient my intentions to be focused on Partnerships that have Purpose in order for them to present themselves in meaningful ways.  Once I hold this intention, they show up and then the work begins to find the clues of Destiny as to what the Higher Purpose is that wants to unfold.  I find it to be like putting together a puzzle, and this puts me in the position of moving into a Higher level of Conscious Awareness.  With this awareness I can move fluidly with what wants to be instead of only what I want it to be.  I find this way of orienting myself, my intentions and my actions brings magic, creation, adventure and deep fulfillment!  And without it I feel separate, disconnected, lost and confused.

The Road Less Traveled

July 11, 2010

Greg’s words this morning on the road less traveled made me feel right at home. I could feel everyone else on the call dropping in and really feeling inspired by the feeling of unity that Greg created. All who were present felt convicted toward the road less traveled and the deadly perils of the well traveled road. It was so beautiful to witness and be woven into a group of people simultaneously sharing such a high level of purpose. It felt like a band of superheroes assembling for assignment, although, none of the individual assignments are assigned until the assembly comes to a close and each of us moves into the world. Because in that particular time and space, the purpose is unity; strengthening your part of the collective is imperative. Everyone seemed to seamlesly incorporate and I was bathed in an ever flowing river of interconnectedness.

The Collective

July 9, 2010

I love all the different expressions coming together in different ways which ulitmately serves the big world picture. So powerful to tap into our individual gifts that contribute to the system. Never lost in a crowd and bringing together the masses!

Attuning to the Radio Station – Greg has an analogy, actually lots of them, but one in particular that stands out for me today as I look outside at the beauty that surrounds me.  That is using our Intuition is like tuning into a Radio Station.  First you have to find a station with a clear signal and then something inspiring you want to listen to.  A year and a half ago I was searching for that radio station signal after I had let go of my entire life in the Bay Area.  Through engaging with The Process, I began to hear that signal and the Inspiring Song was “Boulder, Colorado”.  Every morning I would awake with energy and inspiration every time I thought of Boulder and more and more clues or synchronicities would be presented to me.  Because I have been trained in the Art of Listening to the Station and Taking Action, I took the Risk and moved to Boulder.  Now my backyard essentially looks like this picture, with incredible beauty and majesty abound and feeds my soul each and every day!

Butterflies making catterpillars

Oh yes, They are.


July 8, 2010

I have figured it out! (at least I think I have figured it out) It took me many many tries to get this right and now here I am finally sharing my experience with ALL of YOU! I have always resonated with the idea of The Bodhisattva. Even as a 19 year old I had an e-mail address… TheBodhiSattvassmile@whateveritwas.com. I have felt connected to the idea of helping people and sharing what it is that I have learned my whole life. Similarly the word: Perseverance spoke multitudes to me. As a young girl, from the moment I had “Perseverance” on my spelling list I was enthralled. It was my new favorite word and I didn’t understand why it rang in that way to me. Now, as I’ve stepped through the gates of adulthood and motherhood I have a palpable experience of my affinity for The Bodhisattva and perseverance.


–noun 1. steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., esp. in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.

2. Theology . continuance in a state of grace to the end, leading to eternal salvation.


–noun Buddhism . a person who has attained prajna, or Enlightenment, but who postpones Nirvana in order to help others to attain Enlightenment

I have always felt the need for a bridge between heaven and earth. Between me, and my full potential. After years of trying to do it on my own I was faced with the cold hard truth that… It wasn’t working. There was a piece missing. I had an understanding of what I was capable of but I couldn’t seem to actualize it. I couldn’t seem to be practical about it. It was as if I couldn’t apply it to my “real” life at all.  That is about the time when I met Greg. Greg, the founder of the process changed my whole life. Really, if it weren’t for him… well, that’s a scary thought. To me, Greg embodies that Bodhisattva energy and has taught me how to do the same. Getting in touch with my purpose and remembering why I even incarnated to begin with is what The Process has been about for me. The only way I have been able to get there is through determination, courage and PERSEVERANCE! It paid off after all. I could never have imagined as an elementary school kid how I would connect to this word and this concept but as it stands, I feel more present, more alive, more grounded, more sexy, more confident, more capable, more connected, and more taken care of than I ever have. Thanks to Greg and the revoltionary work that he has discovered and developed through his perseverance so he could offer the Bodhisattva experience to me.

wants VS needs

July 4, 2010

greg was speaking directly to me last sunday; it was exactly what i needed to hear!!!!  i’ve often feel guilty for not filling up my days, hours and moments searching for purpose. and that day i heard, the more successful route is to do nothing, make space and allow for it to come. and when it does – jump! take the risk, listen to your intuition and believe in it! (it will most likely not make sense!) ahhh, what a relief it was to hear this. i was crying the other night, telling my boyfriend it hurts to not be at full capacity. how i have so many gifts to offer and i’m not using them in my career/job. in fact, i often feel like it’s a waste of my talents, i have few responsibilities and i’m not not doing my passion. i’ve felt like this for so long – over 7 years – and i don’t know what i did wrong. is it my fault that i am just admin assistant, barely making enough money to live on?? it hurts, the pain from the of lack of a career. this belief system has deep roots and greg completely unearthed them, giving me hope to endure the waiting with these words…


January 31, 2010

The Process is like a circle that helps keep me contained, supported and united. The momentum of this circle is contagious and keeps me moving along my path, removing all the garbage that may get in the way. I have found what it takes to make my circle complete –it’s The Process! (100% guaranteed to rocket you beyond the 4th dimension)

“Turn on, tune in, drop out” is a counterculture phrase coined by Timothy Leary in the 1960s. The phrase came to him in the shower one day after Marshall McLuhan suggested to Leary that he come up with “something snappy” to promote the benefits of LSD. It is an excerpt from a prepared speech he delivered at the opening of a press conference in New York City on September 19, 1966. This phrase urged people to embrace cultural changes through the use of psychedelics and by detaching themselves from the existing conventions and hierarchies in society. The phrase was derided by more conservative critics.

The phrase is derived from this part of Leary’s speech:

Like every great religion of the past we seek to find the divinity within and to express this revelation in a life of glorification and the worship of God. These ancient goals we define in the metaphor of the present — turn on, tune in, drop out

Leary later explained in his 1983 autobiography Flashbacks:

Turn on’ meant go within to activate your neural and genetic equipment. Become sensitive to the many and various levels of consciousness and the specific triggers that engage them. Drugs were one way to accomplish this end. ‘Tune in’ meant interact harmoniously with the world around you – externalize, materialize, express your new internal perspectives. Drop out suggested an elective, selective, graceful process of detachment from involuntary or unconscious commitments. ‘Drop Out’ meant self-reliance, a discovery of one’s singularity, a commitment to mobility, choice, and change. Unhappily my explanations of this sequence of personal development were often misinterpreted to mean ‘Get stoned and abandon all constructive activity.